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Cherry Blossom Senior Session | Utah State Capitol | Shannon White Photography

Spring is such an amazing time of year to take pictures in Northern Utah and what better way to kick off the season than with a senior session at the Utah State Capitol.

Every year I tell myself I am going to do a photoshoot in the cherry blossoms at the Utah State Capitol and every year something holds me back, usually the crowds! Sometimes it's the weather or the timing, but let's be honest, it's the crowds. But with the help of photoshops new AI tools, I was easily able to remove unwanted people and pets from the backgrounds of these photos so let me be the first to say, don't let the crowds deter you one bit!

The cherry blossoms bloom for just a couple of weeks each year around the beginning of April. There are 433 Yoshino cherry trees that line the Memorial Walkway encircling Capitol Hill.

In Japan, blossoming cherry trees, with their rapidly appearing flowers that die within weeks, symbolize the impermanence of life, or as Anthropologist Ohnuki-Tierney writes, “the cycle of life, death and rebirth, on the one hand, and of productive and reproductive powers, on the other.” Though, many Americans also see them as the advent to Spring!

On this particular evening, there were hundreds of people roaming the capitol grounds taking in the general splendor of the surrounding beauty. It was trying at times to work around the crowds but the energy in the air was so vibrant and positive. You could tell that people were happy to be outside in the beauty and warmth of a perfect spring day. And sweet Trystin looked almost angelic in her white dress against the cloud-like cherry blossoms with the sun just about to set over the Great Salt Lake. All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better senior session, and I know Trystin's family will cherish these photos for many years to come. Please keep scrolling to look at more photos on the capitol grounds. Trystin was particularly excited to get some shots on the capitol steps, so we incorporated that into the session as well.

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